Topic of the lesson was about web cam. After explaining about the function of a web cam, I proceeded to show the pupils on how to operate a web cam using my Toshiba notebook. I divided the class into two groups i.e. boys and girls. There was a lot of shoving and pushing during the demonstration on how to work a web cam. The pupils were excited to see their faces on screen. All the pupils managed to take a picture each during the session.
Year 3A Week 6 (09/02/2009)
Topic of the lesson was about storage devices. The pupils were introduced to a diskette, CD and a pen drive. After the introduction, I explained to the pupils about the function and difference between the three storage devices. As practical I showed the pupils on how a pen drive was used and how to transfer and save data from an existing folder in a notebook to a pen drive. In this instance, I showed the pupils the folder where their pictures were (Week 5 lesson), rename the picture and save it to the pen drive. This practical took time and only the girls were able to finish. I then informed the pupils that the practical would be continued the next week for the boys to complete their practical.
Year 3A Week 7 (16/02/2009)
The lesson was a continuation of the practical exercise done in week 6. While the boys were completing their practical (renaming their picture file and saving in the pen drive), I revised with the girls about what they had learned the week before. Most of the girls were able to answer my questions about the functions of the three storage devices that they have learned. They were even able to distinguish which storage device had the bigger capacity to store data. When the boys had completed their work, I then proceeded to give a slideshow of the pictures they had taken. There was a lot of giggles and smiles from the pupils and they in turn cried out the name of the pupil whose picture was shown. The slideshow can be seen at the side of the blog.
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